We looked at over 10+ data points, to calculate the best places to live, for about 500 neighborhoods in Amsterdam. See how your neighborhood compares.
At Rentola we care about you, and where you live. You could say that we make a living, from finding you a place to live.
A few times per year, our analysts identify the best places to live, using our Rentola Index method. We select relevant categories based on freshness, credibility and availability, to fairly compare locations. For the neighborhoods in Amsterdam, we compared economic metrics such as housing value, income and employment. But we also look for other metrics, from things like the proximity area (distance to restaurants, culture and institutions), to crime rates and statistics.
Using these metrics on top of our Rentola Quality Index method scoring system, we’re accurately able to calculate the living standards of 482 different neighborhoods in the capital.
Our Quality Index ranked the neighborhoods of Amsterdam through the following categories:
- Housing values
- Income
- Housing Demand
- Crime
- Proximity area
- Employment
Housing values
We identified the neighborhoods with the highest increases in housing values, based on the hypothesis that prices are driven by supply and demand rules.
Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek and Statista -
We calculated the average income levels in each of the neighborhoods. We understand that money is not everything, but statistically speaking, metrics such as the average living rate, general health and othe sociological metrics are generally better in wealthier areas.
Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek and Statista -
Housing Demand
To get a better understanding of a neighborhood's attractiveness, we calculated the housing availability. We believe that an area with a high occupancy rate is considered attractive. In unison with our “housing value” calculation, we feel confident in calculating the most attractive areas.
Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek and Statista -
We calculated the crime rates on several type of registered criminality, ranging from simple shoplifting to sexual assaults. We all want to feel safe where we live, so neighborhoods with a low crime rate were awarded a high, positive score.
Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek and Statista -
Proximity area
Perhaps most importantly - we want the area we live in to cover our needs. That’s the reason we calculated the average distance to places such as restaurants, cafes and culture. We also looked at how many of these were found within a 1km and 3 km radius.
Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek and Statista -
From previous experience with our Rentola Quality Index, we see that the employment rate is generally below average in less attractive neighborhoods, and the opposite.
Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek and Statista